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Re: [cobalt-security] Migrating from a R4 to a R550, Any Security Concerns?

>> I have sucessfully migrated 30 domains and 800 users from a Raq4 to a 550
>> using the beta, and have not encountered a major problem other than the
>> points below:
>> 	it doesn't like usernames that start with a number

Conflict resolution should detect this and prompt you for a new user name.
You cannot create a user on the RaQ550 that beings with a number, that is why
CMU deals with it in this way.  Why RaQ550 usernames cannot start with a
number, I don't know.

>> 	it doesn't like domains that start with a number

Hmmm, that is news to me what happens when this occurs?

>> 	it sometimes hangs during the import (you have to kill it, remove the site
>> it was restoring and then re-import, but it eventually get's there)
>> 	it doesn't merge sites well, if you have a partial import (that didn't work
>> at all when I tried it)
>> 	it doesn't like exporting single sites very much.

Yes, I have had reports of this happening and I am trying to figure out the

>> However, if you do a whole server export and then import the bits you need
>> it's fine apart from the occasional hang (might simply be because of the
>> large number of users I was dealing with)
>> You can get round the numeric domain issue if you do a full server export
>> followed by a full server import and then just delete the domains you don't
>> need from the target server.

Another issue that you might encounter is that mailing lists act a little
strange.  If you have a list named 'all' in several domains only one will be
created.  This is a bug in the RaQ550, and it might have already patched.
