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Re: [cobalt-security] Licensing... was: openssl upgrade - PKG for the RaQ4 available

Blacknight Solutions wrote:

> Cobalt/Sun RaQs are hardware. They come with a version of Linux.
> If upgrading faulty software is a breach of copyright then we are all
> guilty of trying to protect ourselves and our customers. If in the course
> of  this protective action it is deemed necessary to replace the original
> OS, surely this is a good thing?

Sure... but by rights, you should upgrade it with the latest version of
RaQ3 software.  However Sun Cobalt has said unoffically many times on
this and other lists, that it's okay to upgrade a RaQ3 with RaQ4
software as long as you don't advertise it as a RaQ4.

> If you go looking for updates for RAQs what do you notice? RAQ4s are the
> most widely supported, followed by RAQ3s.. It's normal.

The RaQ4 will soon be "end-of-life"; at that point we may see less
upgrades for them as well <frown>.  Of course RaQ550 software runs on
both of them as well, though it does require a BIOS upgrade, and if that
fails you've got a rather expensive doorstop.

Jeff Lasman <jblists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Linux and Cobalt/Sun/RaQ Consulting
nobaloney.net, P. O. Box 52672, Riverside, CA  92517
voice: +1 909 778-9980  *  fax: +1 909 548-9484