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Re: [cobalt-security] PS and /proc

Hi Fragga,

> just a quick question.. if someone were to trojan ps to not show their
> processes ( ignoring detection by ChkRootkit for the minute as this is just
> a principle matter) then would it still show in /proc or is it possible to
> create hidden processes which will not show in there aswell ?

Rootkit which modify the kernel (through LKMs or other methods) can even hide 
files and folders. On Linux anything is either a file or a folder somewhere 
on the disk, including /proc and anything within.

So yes, rootkits like SuckIT-1.3a (which I just happened to run into on a 
RaQ4) can be so sneaky that they are next to impossible to detect once they 
are installed, as they might also hide the processes in /proc. It depends on 
how sophisticated these rootkits are. 

See http://la-samhna.de/library/lkm.html for more information.


With best regards,

Michael Stauber
Unix/Linux Support Engineer