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Re: [cobalt-security] Crawling Robots has come from alexa.com::searching cgiwrap vulnerabilities?

on 10/11/02 7:13 AM, K-IM stated:

> Hi, all . 
> Here,  my RaQ3 / web.log
> -------------------------------------
> <snip>
> - - [06/Oct/2002:05:34:19 +0900]
> "GET /cgiwrapDir/cgiwrapd/t.cgi?%3cstyle%3ebody%7bbackgroun HTTP/1.0" 200 671
> "-" "ia_archiver"
> <snip>
> -------------------------------------
> c.f. ( = crawl12-public.alexa.com )
> Does this show danger ?
> Do robots from alexa.com search for brittleness in your machine?
The network they came from is an ISP doing co-location and if you go to
alexa.com you will find them to be a search engine. You or someone else may
have entered your name to their database, or if you used one of those
services that get you listed, they may have submitted you. I don't see a
need for concern.
Dave Thurman
The Web Presence Group / www.webpresencegroup.net
Listonly <at> webpresencegroup.net / Spam Block 8^Q