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[cobalt-security] Ddos Prevention thru Throttleing

In light of the recent DDOS / Buffer overflow exploits that have popped
up recently,  I have been thinking,

Couldn't we just do a system wide CPU% usage limit, on every user...

I have looked into /etc/security/limits.conf, as well as ulimit,  but it
seems these both work on a time spent, limit, as opposed to a %used

I want to say,  don't let any process by user,  httpd, collectively, or
singularly,  use more than 60% of the system cpu.

Ulimit is of no use as the user doesn't login,  and limits.conf,  only
seems to limit the amount of cpu time one process is allowed, as opposed
to doing what I require.

I would like to lock down a few users aswell, who run some perl scripts,
which have the 'potential' to be used to resource starve the box...  

Anyone got any thoughts / recommendations on how to effectively, not
allow user X to use more then Y% of the cpu, across all their processes?

