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Re: [cobalt-security] bind-8.3.4 is available

Hi Gerald,

> I knew you would do it!

Yeah, this morning before I went to bed. :o)

> The macho command line way is needed by the MIPS folks though! ;-)

Sad but true, yes. One of these days I really need to save a RaQ2 from the 
junkyard - just for playing. ;o)

> Did the Bind-8.3.3-2.pkg, give Bind-8.3.3-2  as the version number.... and
> is that a "real" bind version?

After applying the patch to Bind-8.3.3 it still announced itself as 
BIND-8.3.3-REL in /var/log/messages after a named restart. To make sure that 
there would be no confusion I changed the version string in the fixed package 
to BIND-8.3.3-Solarspeed-2.

In "Installed Software" in the GUI the old (vulnerable) Bind-8.3.3 would be 
listed as RaQ3/4-Solarspeed.net-Bind-8.3.3 while the fixed one would show as 
RaQ3/4-Solarspeed.net-Bind-8.3.3-2 instead. So both from the GUI and command 
line it's fairly easy to spot which one is installed.

If all fails: 

rpm -qa|grep bind

It also renturns distinct version information.


With best regards,

Michael Stauber
Unix/Linux Support Engineer