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RE: [cobalt-security] Installation and use of chkrootkit by Steve Young

> Well done.  The instructions were perfect.  I am now 99% sure 
> that my server was not compromised, given what I learned 
> about interpreting the responses from chkrootkit.  Being a 
> Linux newbie, my education continues, yet I would hope that 
> those who use this forum would admonish Sun Cobalt to make 
> utilities like this readily available and provide 
> instructions as to there use.  As a new user I should mot be 
> relegated to hunt for these types of utilities after hours of 
> reading?  These are things that should be more obvious.
> Again, Thank you
> Stefan

Good to hear you had no problems with the install Stefan.

Keep an eye open on the Cobalt Facts web site
(http://ww.cobaltfacts.com) setup by Thom, David and Gerald. I believe
they may be setting up a Cobalt FAQ / HOWTO / advice section on their
site which in time will contain help for things such as chkrootkit on
the Cobalts. You can subscribe to their mailing lists at

Have a good weekend,
Steven Young