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Re: [cobalt-security] get rid of codered and NIMDA in log files

Looks good to me,

you could even let go of the attack logs if you don't want them and just
filter them out of the normal log.

would this also work with error logs?
would this also work with a one-log-for-every-virtualhost setup? should I
put the SetEnvIf lines in a general place, or per virtual host?

The <Location /> might interfere with other security-related lines?

I'll give it a try if I have some time.


> #CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_log combined #<====== line to disable
> #
> # CodeRed and Nimda in seperate logfile
> #
> SetEnvIf Request_URI "^/default.ida(.*)$" code_red_attacks attacks
> SetEnvIf Request_URI "root\.exe(.*)$" nimda_attacks attacks
> SetEnvIf Request_URI "cmd\.exe(.*)$" nimda_attacks attacks
> CustomLog /var/log/httpd/codered.log common env=code_red_attacks
> CustomLog /var/log/httpd/nimda.log common env=nimda_attacks
> CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_log common env=!attacks
> <Location />
> Order Allow,Deny
> Allow from all
> Deny from env=ATTACK
> ErrorDocument 403 "
> </Location>