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RE: [cobalt-security] FW: Cobalt RaQ4 Remote root exploit

MG> Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 09:05:29 -0600
MG> From: Matthew Goade

MG> Wouldn't it be easy to design a worm around this?

Yes.  I'd be surprised if someone isn't doing that already...

MG> I haven't been able to find any news on this exploit/vuln so
MG> far... A skilled coder could probably create a fairly large
MG> P2P RaQ war machine with this.

Sadly, this happens frequently.

Botnets traded on the underground... DDoS/spam systems activated
by IRC commands... "h4x0r3d" systems storing credit cards and
being used to "trade juarez" and "host pr0n"... it gets ugly.

This isn't cause for panic -- "whatever you do, don't panic" is
very sound advice -- but it is cause to keep one's guard up and
be paranoid.  Security 101. :-(

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