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Re: [Blatantly OT] [cobalt-security] Intel Updates Compilers, Faster Apps Result

> Good reading.....
> http://www.internetwk.com/webDev/INW20021205S0005
> Cobalt boxes are run on AMD CPU'S right?

Gosh .. I didn't realise I'd subscribed to
paul-jacobs-thought-of-the-day@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  Several points:

1) Oh golly, yes, sorry, I'm going to say it again.  THIS HAS /NOTHING/ to
do with security.  If you're going to post, post on a relevant list.
2) Hyperthreading is far from proven to give a significant increase.
Current benchmarks range from worse performance to + ~15% dependent upon
the task in question.
3) Do you have any proof that the Intel compiler, $399,  is any better
than gcc, free, shipped with the RaQs?  And please note that 'better' !=
makes smaller/faster code.
4) How is this relevant?  You're right in that the RaQ we use has a K6.
Why should I be interested in a technology that the box we've already
bought doesn't support?

Anyway, this is largely pointless as I know you're going to reply to this
e-mail, quoting the whole thing, with a one-line reply ... which probably
/still/ won't be relevant.

*shakes head, gives up*

Have a wonderful day,


P.S.  Yes, I'm trying to be polite.  Please stop posting off-topic stuff
to the cobalt-security list on the assumption that we'll find it

*:  Random sample: