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[cobalt-security] raq550 siteadmin limit (slightly OT)


am reading Raq550's release notes presently. now maybe i'm just dense, but
i think i need this explained to me... as it is an access & permissions
problem, i think it might not be entirely offtopic on this list. however,
if you think it is, feel free to reply by e-mail. i'm only looking for
replies from people who have a Raq550 and have experienced and/or
understand the prob referred to, thanks.

so say the release notes, among sundry other things:

"The server only supports having up to 75 site administrators who can
modify all files throughout the site home directory. The 'admin' and
server administrators accounts belong to the same group that allows site
administrators to modify files outside their own home directory. So, for
each server administrator account that is created, each site on the server
is allowed to have one less site administrator account with full

am i right in understanding that there can only be 75 sites that have
their own site admin? and what if some of these sites decide to give site
administrator rights to all their users and there are 75 siteadmins
far before 75 sites get created - the rest won't have a functional
administrator account? is the only way to detect this situation to
keep counting the siteadmins every day? how was this situation achieved
and how can it be fixed?
