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Re: [cobalt-security] Best way to patch restored raq4r?

> I recently tried a similar script to this, on a R4,
> But ened up with lots of botched pkg installed,  gpg errors and cant
> find /somewhere/uprade_dir/foo/rpms/summin.rpm
> Ended up having to reformat again and do it the old way again,
> Anyone got any thoughts?

Generally when you install PKGs from the command line you'll see more 
information during the install than if you install through the GUI.

gpg errors are normal if the PKGs aren't digitally signed with GPG and other 
kinds of blurbs reported on the console can be pretty normal for the install 
procedure of certain PKGs. What really matters is the "return code" at the 
end of the PKG install for each individual PKG. If it is 200 or 201, then the 
PKG installed fine. If it's 4015 for instance, then something went wrong.

One of the benefits of Martin Moeller's Updater is that it provides a summary 
at the end which shows precisely which PKGs were installed and which failed 
and aside from that it also shows in detail information what the PKGs 
returned individually during the install.


With best regards,

Michael Stauber
Unix/Linux Support Engineer