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[cobalt-security] CA-2002-35 - Vulnerability in RaQ Server Appliances

Hello Folks,

My name is Ian Finlay. I work for the vulnerability handling team at
the CERT/CC (https://www.cert.org/). I am the author of CA-2002-35.

Based on feedback from folks in the Internet community, as well as
recent confirmation from Sun, we have come to the conclusion that RaQ
3 Server Appliances with SHP installed are vulnerable as well.

I've updated our Vulnerability Note
(http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/810921) as well as the CERT/CC
Advisory (https://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-35.html) to reflect
this new information.


Ian Finlay
Internet Systems Security Analyst - CERT/CC Operations 
Networked Systems Survivability Program
CERT (R) Coordination Center             Email: cert@xxxxxxxx
Software Engineering Institute           WWW: http://www.cert.org
Carnegie Mellon University               Hotline: +1-412-268-7090
Pittsburgh, PA  USA  15213-3890          FAX: +1-412-268-6989