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Re: [cobalt-security] Anyone else get this error?

At 12:33 PM 12/29/2002, you wrote:

> > interesting... I an not getting this error on my windows dns servers.
> It's one of the bogosities of the RaQs:
> Usually the zone file is updated automatically by bind - if that file is
> outdated.
> However, the zone files (including /etc/named/db.cache - which is the
> file) are owned by user "root". A while Sun Cobalt got wise and no longer
> runs the named process as user root, but user named instead, which is more
> secure.
> However, the zone files (and anything in /etc/named) are still owned by
> root, so the named process cannot update any of those files. Likewise all
> zone transfers initiated by the RaQ will fail.
> Quick fix (as user root):
> chown -R named:named /etc/named/
> The Solarspeed.net bind-8.3.3-2.pkg and bind-8.3.4.pkg fix this permission
> issue upon installation. But of course only for record files (and
> which are present at the time of the install of the PKG file.
> --
> With best regards,
> Michael Stauber

I have just recently seen this in my logs when I make changes to DNS  and I
do have bind-8.3.4.pkg installed.  (Thanks Solarspeed)

Dec 29 11:53:09 www named[512]: /etc/named.conf:3: syntax error near '}'
Dec 29 11:53:09 www named[512]: master zone "domain.com" (IN) loaded (serial
Dec 29 11:53:09 www named[512]: couldn't create pid file

Any thoughts


I am having no problems with the above but I am having the below problem:

Dec 29 11:08:29 ns4 named[378]: owner name "gc._msdcs.adv-data.com" IN (secondary) is invalid - proceeding anyway Dec 29 11:08:29 ns4 named[378]: owner name "gc._msdcs.adv-data.com" IN (secondary) is invalid - proceeding anyway

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