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Re: [cobalt-security] Anyone else get this error?

On Sun, 2002-12-29 at 23:33, E.B. Dreger wrote:

> BT> About a month or two ago, the Internet powers-that-be moved
> BT> the "J" root DNS server.  Your system is just now trying to
> BT> refresh the cached IP info for it, and failing.
> BT>
> BT> You are correct - get the new hints info, and all should be
> BT> ok.
> I recommend people run
>         dig @a.rootservers.net . ns > /etc/named/db.cache
>         kill -HUP `cat /var/run/named.pid`
> in a monthly cron job.

I think this is a dangerous idea.  Check for errors if you run such a
thing unattended, something like this:

if dig @A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET . ns >$tmp; then
  mv $tmp /etc/named/db.cache
  rm $tmp
