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Re: [cobalt-security] "mirroring" software for RaQ4?

"Matthew Nuzum" <cobalt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I know some people use the CMU tools as their primary means of backup.
> That's too bandwidth intensive for me, but it sure would make doing a
> restore easy.

For RaQs I prefer using the CMU as part of the backup/recovery process.  If
you have a lot of sites and users it saves many hours of manually recreating
sites and users through the GUI in the event of a disaster.  Depending on
your system, the CMU export files can be fairly large, but in my experience
the data transfer costs that may be incurred are dwarfed by the time and
cost involved if a disaster occurs and the recovery phase of the
backup/recovery system requires a lot of time to execute manually and the
system is down for an extended period of time.

Fortunately the original poster is in a somewhat unique situation.  CMU can
be used to generare CMU export files on both the source and destination
servers, stored locally (never transferred).  Scripts can be implemented to
recognize users and sites added/deleted on the source server, share the
info. with the destination server and add/delete users and sites as
required.  Then rsync can be used to sync the two servers.  The CMU export
files would never need to be transferred between the source and destination
server.  I hope I explained that well.

> There are many people on this list (not me) who have the ability to help
> you create a solution like this for a fee.  If you have the do-it
> yourself mentality and the time to burn, try using the CMU. (can someone
> send a link to that?  I can't find it)


> There are many helpful and
> knowledgeable people who can help you answer a specific question.
> (Vague questions don't get as much help though)

I'm always willing to help here, time permitting, and if the question is
relevant and doesn't require a lot of time to answer.  I always appreciate
it when people first use a search engine, search the list archives and do
some basic homework first.  I'm not saying the original poster did not, just
adding to what Matthew said.

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC