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[cobalt-security] [RAQ4] Denying specific IP from DNS traffic


Some hosehead from [IP1A0602.hkd.mesh.ad.jp] has been
banging my RaQ4 server with this DNS attack for over a week:

Feb 14 12:08:42 www named[1101]: denied update from [].3381
for "targetdomain.com" IN

The port number increase each time, and he'll go in blocks of about 50-75
ports in a run.  It's starting to bug me.

How can I block this IP from reaching my server, specifically named?  Will
listing him in /etc/hosts.deny be effective, or will that not work because
named doesn't go through inetd?

I do not care if he is running a misconfigured Win2000 workstation that is
trying to broadcast hostname updates: he has no business attempting to do
this on this domain, and I want to shut him out.  I do not think this is the
classic Win2000 thing anyway.

This is BIND 8.3.4 from Solarspeed.

Thanks for any tips,

David Thacker