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Re: [OA Security] Re: [cobalt-security] HDD problems

OpenAccess System Security schrieb:

>We've upgraded our gear to the newer Seagate 80GB drives.  ST35001 I think?
>No IDE drive is designed to be put in service 24x7, but these Seagates are
>the best we've found so far.  They are 7200 RPM, but stay cool and are low
>Whatever you do, don't buy the IBM drives, unless IBM has seriously improved
>production quality in the last year.  You will be replacing them on a
>regular basis.
on of our RaQ still lives fine long time with a IBM-DTLA-307030 ... but
it's the only drive and
it did in fact consume a lot of power (up to 10W) ... so a second won't
fit into our system ...

nock on wood that it will be further ;-)

>My 2 cents.
>- mike
by the way ... the 80GB Seagate is the ST38002xA serie which by the way
need between 8 - 13 Watt !!!! and the ST3500A is a far old 500MB serie *lol*

maybe if it runs in your system ... its ok ... but I won't try to kill my
power suply with such a big beast ... but I fear what would be in about a
year when there is no 40GB available anymore ;o)




Götz Lohmann  |  D-Mannheim  |  Web-Developer & Sys-Admin
He's the fellow that people wonder what he does and why
the company needs him, until he goes on vacation.