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Re: [cobalt-security] newbie question about portsentry log

JQZ> Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 14:08:48 -0500
JQZ> From: Jalon Q. Zimmerman

JQZ> > Probably Cobalt's monitoring, periodically checking to see if
JQZ> > IMAP is running.  Do you really need IMAP?
JQZ> wrong question.
JQZ> you need to ask, "are your users using IMAP?"

This is silly.  Few people "need" services on a server unless
their users are using them.  If someone has a user who demands a
service, then they probably need it. :-)

JQZ> if a user is using IMAP, they are probably a bit more
JQZ> advanced, they need it and they wont hesitate to go
JQZ> elsewhere if they cant get it.

Quite true.

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