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Re: [cobalt-security] Remote Sendmail Header Processing Vulnerability

> shouldnt this be something SUN addresses in a patch sometime?.. perhaps
> soon?!

Sure - in an ideal world.

Like any OS vendor Sun was notified about the security hole upfront - back in 
the second half of January. 

Other Unix / Linux distributors have released their patches either yesterday 
or today - because they followed up on the early warnings behind the scene 
and had ample time to line up their ducks, to prepared their patches and to 
run them through Q&A extensively.

Sun hasn't? Now that sounds familliar. I'm still taking bets on when we see an 
official patch. If it's here before the end of the month, then I'd be 
surprised. Sun's usual turn around time for patches (in case of critical 
holes) is 4-6 weeks - *after* the hole has been announced to the public. In 
case of uncritical holes they'll tend to sit 'em out without offering 
patches. Go figure.


With best regards,

Michael Stauber