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Re: [cobalt-security] Sendmail: If you haven't patched it yet..

On 5 Mar 2003 at 11:45, DNSAdmin wrote:

> You should be shaking in yer boots! You're gonna get hacked!
> http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1105-991041.html
> Hackers' code exploits Sendmail flaw
> A group of four Polish hackers published code to an open security mailing 
> list on Tuesday that can take advantage of a major vulnerability in the 
> Sendmail mail server.
> Sorry; after reading that, I was sure glad I'm patched!


The code they released will only work on certain systems:

> Freebsd 4.4          - (default & self compiled Sendmail 8.11.6)  does not
> crash Solaris 8.0 x86      - (default & self compiled Sendmail 8.11.6) 
> does not crash Solaris 8.0 sparc    - (default & self compiled Sendmail
> 8.11.6)  does not crash HP-UX 10.20          - (self compiled Sendmail
> 8.11.6)            does not crash IRIX 6.5.14          - (self compiled
> Sendmail 8.11.6)		  does not crash AIX 4.3              - (binary of
> Sendmail 8.11.3 from bull.de)   does not crash RedHat 7.0           -
> (default Sendmail 8.11.0)                  does not crash RedHat 7.2       
>    - (default Sendmail 8.11.6)                  does not crash RedHat 7.3  
>   (p)   - (patched Sendmail 8.11.6)                  does not crash RedHat
> 7.0           - (self compiled Sendmail 8.11.6)            crashes RedHat
> 7.2           - (self compiled Sendmail 8.11.6)            crashes RedHat
> 7.3           - (self compiled Sendmail 8.11.6)            crashes
> Slackware  8.0 (p)   - (patched Sendmail 8.11.6 binary)           crashes
> Slackware  8.0       - (self compiled Sendmail 8.12.7)            does not
> crash RedHat 7.x           - (self compiled Sendmail 8.12.7)		  does not
> crash 

The ones that say 'crashed' were vulnerable.

They also go onto say:

> IMPACT Due to the nature of the discussed sendmail vulnerability it seems
> that it is unexploitable on most of commercially available UNIX systems. It
> also doesn't seem to be exploitable on most of the default SMTP
> installations of x86 based open-source systems. This leads to the
> conclusion that the overall impact of the vulnerability is rather limited
> and not so significant as it might be thought. 
> Hovever, we cannot exclude that there does not exist another execution
> path in the sendmail code, that could lead to the program counter
> overwrite. 

The code they submitted was for Slackware 8.0

The original post to Bugtraq (with code) can be found here:


