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RE: [cobalt-security] Sendmail Patch

I think you will find that your spamcop.net email is fake.
Email spamcop.net and ask them they will give you a 
better answer.


-----Original Message-----
From: cobalt-security-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:cobalt-security-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of
Sent: 12 March 2003 01:44
To: Michael Stauber; cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
Subject: [cobalt-security] Sendmail Patch


  Last week I installed the sendmail patch on our Raq4.  I sent an 
email to test it and everything seemed fine.  The only mail we do on 
the server is a CGI form for feedback.  We only get a few a week, It 
seems to be occasionally mess up since the patch was installed. It 
doesn't send the email and I get the email that should have been 
sent via redirection.

 I also got email from someone today saying they are from 
SPAMCOP.NET saying we may be spamming.  With all the spoofing 
going on I don't think we are.  I checked the mail logs and mail stats 
file and I don't see where I am spamming.  Is this guy jerking my 

PS, you hardened our box last year about this time.  Do we need to 
do an update of any type?

Paul Wilson
cobalt-security mailing list