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[cobalt-security] RaQ3/RaQ4 Qpopper-4.0.5fc2 PKG released

Hi Michael,

THANKS for the updated Qpopper - I've been running
your 4.0.4 version and like it much better over the
stock version on the RaQ..

I hate to sound green (lame had already been used)
-but I don't understand this:

>The option ...
>	--with-pam=qpop
>... was NOT used for performance reasons. So this
>package doesn't use PAM authentication because 
>POP based authentication against PAM uses a 
>tremendous amount of ressources without any 
>actual gains.

Isn't PAM support necessary..? How does Qpopper check
against an id/s password without PAM..? I guess I just
don't understand how it all works..  :-P 


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