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Re: [cobalt-security] Secure FTP

Eugene Crosser schrieb:

>On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 19:27, FENiL PATEL wrote:
>>Can anyone recommend me a good way to secure FTP on RAQ4? 
>>I am looking for data tunnel & authentication encryption without a use
>>of third party software on client side.
>This can hardly be accomplished without third party software on the
>client side.  They will need to either install secure clone of FTP or
>tunelling/VPN client.
There is a real EASY way ;-)

get proftpd  version 1.2.8 http://proftpd.linux.co.uk/ and compile it
after macking a backup of /usr/sbin/proftpd copy it there.

change/add some lines to your /etc/proftpd.conf


*** file /etc/proftpd.conf ***
. . .
ServerName                      "ProFTPD"
ServerType                      inetd
DeferWelcome                    off
DefaultServer                   on
. . .
# Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
Port                            21
. . .
   . . .
   # Security issue about WS-FTP to accept certificates
   <IfModule mod_tls.c>
       # TLS/SSL Security Engine
        TLSEngine                       on
        TLSLog                          /var/log/auth
       # TLSProtocol directive is used to configure
       # the SSL/TLS protocol versions (SSLv3,TLSv1,SSLv23)
#        TLSProtocol                     SSLv23
        # Are clients required to use FTP over TLS when talking to this
       # SSL/TLS only (on), Data Channel (data), Control Channel (ctrl),
or No (off)
        TLSRequired                     off
        # Server's certificate
        TLSRSACertificateFile          /usr/local/ssl/certs/ftpd-rsa.pem
        TLSRSACertificateKeyFile       /usr/local/ssl/certs/ftpd-rsa-key.pem
        TLSDSACertificateFile          /usr/local/ssl/certs/ftpd-dsa.pem
        TLSDSACertificateKeyFile       /usr/local/ssl/certs/ftpd-dsa-key.pem
  . . .

*** file end ***

create the certificates or maybe use some from versign & Co.

now you could use a TLS/SSL capabel FTP Client like WS-FTP Pro (comercial)
or the free SmartFTP v1.0 from http://www.smartftp.com ;-)

>But you can make them upload files over HTTPS.
uhhh ... possible ... but that is real ugly ;-)

>Which is probably the easiest way.  Alternatives are: install VPN server
>on your RaQ and let people establish VPN before file transferring, use
>some "secure FTP"
>(*), or use scp (part of ssh).
scp is nice ... but it's no question compared to window based ftp tools

>(*) http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~smcpeak/SafeTP/
>    http://www.glub.com/products/secureftp/



Götz Lohmann  |  D-Mannheim  |  Web-Developer & Sys-Admin
He's the fellow that people wonder what he does and why
the company needs him, until he goes on vacation.