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Re: [cobalt-security] Mounting a Cobalt Hard Disk

	A little off topic here no? However, believe it or not but the command
you seek is mount. Now depending on where you plugged in the hard drive,
it will live under.


If it's a master on the first channel, /dev/hda.
If it's a slave on the second channel, /dev/hdd

And so on if you have more than two IDE channels.

Now beyond that you will need to know which partition you want to mount.


and so on for the different partitions.

If you mention your exact platform someone can chime in and say what
partition to mount.

Then you will need to make a directory to mount to.

mkdir /mnt/cobalt-home

or something like that and then do a 

mount /dev/hdb2 /mnt/cobalt-home

you may need to specify a type 

mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb2 /mnt/cobalt-home

Or you can edit
/etc/fstab and add a line like

/dev/hdb2	/mnt/cobalt-home	ext2    defaults        0 0

That should give you some idea, the rest is up to you.
Unless others would like to chime in.

William L. Thomson Jr.
Support Group
Obsidian-Studios, Inc.
3548 Jamestown Ln.
Jacksonville, FL 32223
Phone/Fax  904.260.2445