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Re: [cobalt-security] eggdrop and monitoring

MS> Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 04:13:57 +0200
MS> From: Michael Stauber

MS> > Better yet, look into mounting /home with the "noexec" option.
MS> I imagine that this can easily backfire. Webmail and Neomail
MS> are usually installed in /home/ and the same is true for
MS> other popular third party software. Some of us also relocated
MS> files from the [/]-partition to [/home] to free up space.
MS> But even on a stock RaQ this would cause CGI related problems
MS> as the executable bit on scripts would no longer work. Some
MS> binaries related to Interbase in /home/opt/ would throw a fit
MS> as well.
MS> Aside from that kind of collateral damage it can be a good
MS> security measure if used with the proper care and caution.

Yep... agreed on all counts... which is why I said "look into"
instead of "here's a miracle cure". :-)

Note also that one could play with FollowSymlinks in Apache to go
to another partition, but that gets ugly in a hurry.  Quota
issues and the extra precautions required to deal with symlinks
make this a bad idea.

FWIW, I'm not fond of the default RaQ partitioning scheme.  I
usually run a 128 MB root partition, and put /tmp, /var, /home,
and /usr on their own partitions.  If there's interest in the
reasoning, I'll fork the thread and go into more detail.

Going a bit OT, I think *ix kernels eventually will have more
"triggers" to check events such as execution.  FreeBSD has had
kqueue() for several years now, which is very well suited to
tasks like this.

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