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[cobalt-security] Qube 3 - Web Usage - Most Active Requesters

Hi folks,

Was reviewing the "Web Usage - Most Active Requesters" info on our Qube 3
(had to rebuild it a week ago and the primary drive in the RAID set died.
Still not sure if we got hacked or not. Telnet is now shutdown as is

Anyway, here is a sampling:

Requestor							Requests
Referred From
Localhost							574
Unknown --					9		-
198-1.dedicado.com.uy					5		1264
Unknown --					3		-
c-67-162-255-218.client.comcast.net				2
c-67-160-94-99.client.comcast.net				2
cs671021-89.houston.rr.com					2
dsl092-108-024.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net			2		-
dhcp065-029-091-247.indy.rr.com				2		-
fsn8.frontstreetnetworks.com					2
moe.keel.net							2
dialup-	1		1264
dialup-		1		1264
Toronto-HSE-ppp3740244.sympatico.ca			1		1264
Toronto-HSE-ppp3773032.sympatico.ca			1		1264

We do NO web hosting on this - only company email.

Do I have something to be worried about ?

Thanks !
