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Re: [cobalt-security] Re: Cobalt/Sun security contact?

Hello Chris,
I am Mark Carey, and I work in the Sun Linux Security Group. We are always interested in hearing about potential issues. If you could e-mail the issues to shaun.white <at> sun.com (SPAM prevention), we will be happy to take a look at them and create patches.

   Thank you very much,
   Mark Carey.

Chris Adams wrote:

Once upon a time, Sonny <sonny@xxxxxxxxx> said:
You could tell the list, and then we could all try to keep our RaQ550's secure.

Well, it is a combination of unrelated problems that cause a security
problem, and it isn't a likely combination (although it does affect us
in our setup).

I've notified Sun about the problems I've seen.  Hopefully, they'll take
quick action; otherwise, off to BUGTRAQ I'll go (and I'll post here as
well).  While there are easy workarounds for the problems, describing
the workarounds would pretty much give away the problems, and I don't
want to do that just yet (as not all RaQ550 owners read this list).

I will say that the problems require local access (and in most cases
site admin access) to even try to exploit.