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RE: [cobalt-security] HELP!!!

mysql is up.... but it is mysql-max.

I see the error : It is about InnoDB problem.

BY the way, do u know where is the my.ini and my.cnf located?

-----Original Message-----
From: Tijmen Hennink [mailto:hennink@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 3:25 PM
To: Wong Wai Chong
Subject: RE: [cobalt-security] HELP!!!

That won't be the problem I guess,
the problem is that Mysql won't startup due to some ill configure script
that is used.
Therefore you have to look into the mysqld.log file and see if there are
any error message.
Is it possible to log in using mysql at the command prompt using your root

Met vriendelijke groet/with kind regards,

Ing. Tijmen Hennink
Cohen's Law:
	There is no bottom to worse.

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On Tue, 20 May 2003, Wong Wai Chong wrote:

> This actually happened after i have patch my raq550.
> Before patching, i have my mysql running.
> Do u think there is a possibilities that before patching my DB format is
> and after patching it becomes InnoDB and cause the problem accessing my
> DB??!!
> Please Help....... thanks!
> Wai Chong
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tijmen Hennink [mailto:hennink@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 3:14 PM
> To: Wong Wai Chong
> Subject: Re: [cobalt-security] HELP!!!
> Hi Wong,
> mysql-max is an extended version of mysql, it includes support for Innodb.
> see http://www.innodb.com for more info , shortly it's a table system
> which supports transaction like oracle, where you can use rollback
> segments when a query wasn't executed properly.
> But this is also your problem I think, do you have any strange lines in
> your mysqld.log file?
> Met vriendelijke groet/with kind regards,
> Ing. Tijmen Hennink
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> tijmen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Medi@connect
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> All say, "How hard it is that we have to die"--a strange complaint to come
> from
> the mouths of people who have had to live.
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> Thank you.
> On Tue, 20 May 2003, Wong Wai Chong wrote:
> > After patching my raq550, there is a process running,
> > mysqld-max.
> >
> > What is tht process? Is it the same as mysqld?
> >
> > Now, i have problem accessing my database...
> >
> > Anyone faced this problem before?
> >
> > WC
> >
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