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RE: [cobalt-security] XTR Update 16343 kills ASP Service

Check /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf for the LoadModule containing mod_casp2.so

If the file shows the location to be modules/mod_casp2.so, you can either:

cp /home/chiliasp/module/linux2_optimized/apache_1.3.20/non-standard/Cobalt/mod_casp2.so /etc/httpd/modules/mod_casp2.so


Edit httpd.conf line for mod_casp2.so with:

LoadModule casp2_module /home/chiliasp/module/linux2_optimized/apache_1.3.20/non-standard/Cobalt/mod_casp2.so

Restart your webserver.

Taken from: http://developer.chilisoft.com/kb/kb_display.asp?200206281 using a search for "libcasp2ap.so"

At 10:43 PM 5/27/2003 -0400, Jeremy Towne wrote:
Was there ever a fix found for this?


On Fri, 2003-05-16 at 08:34, Nico Schumacher wrote:
> Setting up Web Service: chiliasp: Failed to open libcasp2ap.so.
> Check your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
> /usr/sbin/httpd

Do you have the following line in your httpd.conf for each virtual host
that ASP is enable for?

CaspLib /home/chiliasp/asp-apache-3000

I seem to remember getting an error like the one you mentioned if that
line is not present.

Please let me know if that does resolve your problem.

William L. Thomson Jr.
Support Group
Obsidian-Studios, Inc.
3548 Jamestown Ln.
Jacksonville, FL 32223
Phone/Fax  904.260.2445

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