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Re: [cobalt-security] Optimizing POP-3 Performance

On Wednesday, June 25, 2003, at 03:32  PM, Harald Kapper wrote:

well simply get the latest qpopper is my solution here.

ad) memory: raq4 units actually take 1 GB ram, though the specs only
talk about 512 MB :-)

http://www.solarspeed.net/downloads/index.php you get the 4.05 (great
job solarspeed) ready as a .pkg and you probably feel comfortable then
source: ftp://ftp.qualcomm.com/eudora/servers/unix/popper/

btw. it's a really suggested upgrade for "older" raq2's and qube3's
(though I guess no .pkg is available) you get a lot of performance

Hey Harald,

Care to share and notes you have about upgrading Qpopper on the Raq2/Qube2's? Is it a pretty straight forward download the source, untar it, ./configure, make, make install? Or are there some Cobalt gotchas to look out for?
