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[cobalt-security] BE CAREFUL : Hacker Contest Could Start Sunday 7/6

In the last few days, we've received some emails from clients letting us
know that there may be a hacking contest on Sunday July 6.

Here are 2 articles describing the contest:

Hacking Contest Threatens Web Sites July 2, 2003

Government and private-sector security experts say hackers will try to
earn points and prizes by defacing Web sites this weekend.
By George V. Hulme

Hacker Contest Could Strike This Weekend; Thousands Of Sites Threatened
July 2, 2003 (3:36 p.m. EST) By Gregg Keizer, TechWeb News

Our suggestion is to make sure that you have the latest patches available on
your server, and also to make sure that your backup is as up to date as

Vic O'Dell
Great Smokies Internet