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Re: [cobalt-security] Detecion of failures of security with the scanner of eeye (retina)

Hi Matias,

> I have updated all the patches with blueling, but when scannig my server
> with retina, appears many vulneravilidades, that he assumes, those
> patches solve.

Retina (like many other related products) just looks at the version number of 
stuff like Sendmail, Apache and whatever active service it finds. Sure, it 
then throws a fit about finding oldtimers like Apache-1.3.20, Sendmail-8.11.6 
and what not else. 

However, if you are up to date on patches, then your Apache-1.3.20 has all 
known security patches applied - and still reports itself as Apache-1.3.20. 
So if the scanner just assumes that Apache-1.3.20 means "unpatches 
Apache-1.3.20", then you get a false report.


With best regards,

Michael Stauber