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RE: [cobalt-security] 3rd unofficial Sendmail PKGs available

> Hi all,
> to counter the latest Sendmail vulnerability - which is outlined at
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/bugtraq/2003-09/0267.html - I
> rolled
> up new Sendmail PKGs for the RaQ4, RaQ XTR, RaQ550 and Qube3.
> PKGs for the RaQ2 and RaQ3 might be released within the next few days.
> The PKGs can be found at this URL:
> 	http://www.solarspeed.net/downloads/index.php
> Please take some time to read the notes on the download page.
> - --
>  With best regards,
> Michael Stauber
> Solarspeed.net

RaQ 550 user reporting in. :) Sun should just put you in charge.
Works great, highly appreciated!