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Re: [cobalt-security] Re: OpenSSH-3.7.1p2 released

Hi Declan,

> I installed,  OpenSSH-3.7p1, on my RaQ4 server from Solarspeed two days
> ago. All went fine. I have just tried to install OpenSSH-3.7.1p2.  I
> confirmed that I wished overwrite existing package. However, I then got the
> message that package was not installed. Why might this have happened?

Hmm ... not sure what happened there. Please try this:

As root and from within SSH or Telnet run the following command:

	rm -f /var/lib/cobalt/openssh-clients-server-*.md5lst

Then try to install the PKG again through the GUI or from the command line.


With best regards,

Michael Stauber