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Re: [cobalt-security] Pros & Cons of change to Sendmail and can you do this on a Qube 3 ?

At 01:45 PM 5/4/2004, you wrote:
Hi Folks,

Was reading something at lunch and the writer said he "believed" that
Sendmail already supported what he was proposing - configuring mail servers
to drop e-mails from servers whose IP does not match the FROM domain.

I guess first, CAN Sendmail be configured to do this and if so is that
supported on the Qube 3.

And then of course are there any negative ramifications of doing this ?
Obviously it will reject any sender email not ID'ing the sending email
server but is there legitimate email that comes that way ?

Thanks !

My RaQ3s and RaQ4s already do this by default. I have done some sendmail.cf tweaks, but nothing that would have affected that. I would assume your Cube would have been configured the same.

Look though your /var/log/maillog and look for rejections based on 'domain of sender.'

May 4 10:58:51 mailer sendmail[4006]: i44EwpC04006: ruleset=check_mail, arg1=<gxdrs@xxxxxxxxxx>, relay=[], reject=501 5.1.8 <gxdrs@xxxxxxxxxx>... Domain of sender address gxdrs@xxxxxxxxxx does not exist