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[cobalt-security] Re: [cobalt-users] Re: Status of the Cobalt Mailing Lists [SCANNED]

On 5/4/04 4:25 PM, "Bruce Timberlake" wrote:

> I'm not sure what the solution is. Having a bottleneck of a single webmaster
> to post/approve content isn't much good, as one entity is still "in control"
> with that model.
> If we could work out a way to make contributions easy and equal from all
> parties, then we'd have something great.  But with several groups building
> PKGs, providing HOWTOs, etc., there's going to be conflict.

Why not resurrect the Cobalt Webring, at least that would allow a loop of
all the sites. Wasn't that Thom's or Gerald's? I don't remember who was
running that. I think Yahoo has a web ring program.

Just a thought. As much as I would like to see cobaltfacts replace the
Cobalt Users, I think we need additional channels to allow some of us the
option of alternate lists, for those times when the flame wars are at there
peak :)
David Thurman
List Only at Web Presence Group Net