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RE: [cobalt-security] Re: Status of the Cobalt Mailing Lists

> > Gang, we've got a multitude of groups out there like CobaltFacts
> > and others who are writing software alternatives, packages
> and so much
> > more.  Having one 'portal' allowing not only these Lists to continue
> > but also allowing all those groups to at least link together for a
> > one-stop resource center sure seems like the best way to fly?
> Yes that would be ideal.  The problem is that there are
> several groups and/or
> individuals who want to be "the resource" when it comes to
> non-Sun support,
> and as such, there are now several resources, each providing
> something
> slightly different.
> I'm not sure what the solution is. Having a bottleneck of a
> single webmaster
> to post/approve content isn't much good, as one entity is
> still "in control"
> with that model.
> If we could work out a way to make contributions easy and
> equal from all
> parties, then we'd have something great.  But with several
> groups building
> PKGs, providing HOWTOs, etc., there's going to be conflict.
> And the actual mechanism needs to be agreed upon - some sort
> of portal with
> database on the backend, or a wiki, or text files...
> Mailing lists seem to be popular, and are good for asking
> questions. If people
> aren't dedicated/conscientious about checking a web forum
> periodically and
> often, questions could go unanswered for too long. Portals
> are better as a
> knowledgebase that one can search when needed.  Some sort of
> combination of
> the two would be ideal I think.  Maybe an RSS feed or
> something as well for
> new articles/forum posts that would be more "real time" via desktop
> aggregators or something...?
> Also very important -- how to resolve those groups who desire
> (and are
> entitled) to make some $$ by providing support services,
> software updates,
> hardware repairs, etc.
> Lots to think about... as always, I'll help however I can.

some babbling;

The hobby people run there sites just for the fun of it, it will be very
hard if not impossible to line them up behind a single concept/mechanism.
However, it may very well be possible to line them all up on a single
domain, with everyone there own virtualhost, this will offer a single point
of access to area's where the webmasters still can do there own thing. A
shared mailing list and/or forum would be a viable option then. the
virthosts could point to either there own servers, or be located on a
central point (would require some power...)

as for the commercial vendors, they will always be running there own
sites/shops, but it would be simple to setup a link table from the 'central
hub site'. They could also put the 'free stuff' on the central hub site,
linking to the webshops on the main sites for other products. Once the hub
site gets enough traffic, it will become interesting for commercial vendors
to be present there too, and increase traffic towards there own sites.

This will not enable a single information resource, but it may be a big step
towards a single point of entry into what is left of the cobalt world. Once
enough 'big names' join the concept, others will automaticaly follow (or
