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[cobalt-security] What *does* the community want?

> What *does* the community want?  What do you want?

*Some* of us wish we could do what you guys can do...
*Some* of us are happy to come here when we need help and appreciate to
*Some* of us come here to bitch...
*Some* of us come here when we're bored...
*Some* of us don't know what to do next...

*Most* of us are scrambling trying to make sense of the past week or so...
*Most* of us will need a new 'home' after tomorrow...

*ALL* of us will see the end to this list in a few hours...
*ALL* of us wish we could've just realized there would NEVER be one single
replacement for this list early last week so this week could've been
'business as usual'

The way I see it, there are 2-3 lists out there.  I signed up for all of
them (Some never sent the response or Cox trashed it as spam 'tho it doesn't
trash this list's e-mail).  I KNOW who knows there shi* and unfortunately
they're not all on the same team.  So I'll be hanging out everywhere I can
until I see a clear cut answer- if ever.  It's interesting, I started
getting caught up reading all this stuff and found myself deciding which
list NOT to go to based on their comments or bickering- not good.

Anyways, personally I don't even feel like *something* is ending tomorrow.
I see some lists in capable hands.  I just hope those, to, don't end this
way.  And it maybe late but I'm a graphics/animation/website design guy- if
ANY of the new lists need some free graphics and things designed, consider
it done- wish I could be of more help...

See you all.........well, right here in the SAME outlook folder as before
only different TO: addresses.
