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RE: [cobalt-security] SSH RSA Authentication on Raq2

hi rod,

We can su to admin, but not root.  Can we fix this by
hitting the reset button on the Raq; are root and
admin always the same after hitting the button but
then they can be changed to be different passwords

when you change the admin password through the GUI, the root password is set to the same value. i think, resetting the password through the "reset password" button does the same. so, try to change the admin password through the gui, then login through ssh again.

remember that (unlike some other linux systems) only the admin user can "su -" to root, not any other user.

cya, jonas.

Jonas Pasche
Technischer Support

webagentur Domke GmbH

Rheinstr. 3 - 64283 Darmstadt - Germany

Telefon +49 6151 17742-33
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