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RE: [cobalt-security] SSH RSA Authentication on Raq2


By the sounds of things this is not a synchronisation issue. It's a
simple yet funky Linux security feature that has been included at
compile time by those kookey folks at Cobalt.

The feature indicates to login that only members of the 'wheel' group
may su to root. This includes the groups 'wheel' and 'root'.

There are three ways to fix this. Two of which may void your warranty.
	1, LOGIN as 'admin' then SU to 'root'. (su reads your id from login
          so you can not su from <user> to admin then su to root).
	2, Add your user to the wheel group [MAY VOID WARRANTY]
	3, Add the following text to your /etc/login.defs file;

Adding this text to login.defs may void your Cobalt Warranty!!!!!
<-- Begin cut /etc/login.defs -->

# If "yes", the user must be listed as a member of the first gid 0 group
# in /etc/group (called "root" on most Linux systems) to be able to "su"
# to uid 0 accounts.  If the group doesn't exist or is empty, no one
# will be able to "su" to uid 0.

<-- End cut /etc/login.defs -->

The above option in /etc/login.defs SHOULD allow ALL users, with telnet
access, the ability to SU to 'root' (as long as they know the password).

<SOAPBOX> All this said, I still, personally, believe that the option
should remain as-is so that only admin can su to root. This means that
if anyone is thinking of making any major changes, they do have to
think about it first because it's not convenient. </SOAPBOX>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cobalt-security-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on Behalf Of Rod Todd
> Sent: Friday, 26 May 2000 20:28
> Subject: RE: [cobalt-security] SSH RSA Authentication on Raq2
> We can su to admin, but not root.  Can we fix this by
> hitting the reset button on the Raq; are root and
> admin always the same after hitting the button but
> then they can be changed to be different passwords
> later?


Michael Kovalik
Senior Network Engineer
Virtual Internet Australia
Mobile: +61 (0)404 888 443

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