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[cobalt-security] root passwd and admin passwd

Ok, not only is it denying root access at all, but now I cannot install .pkg security upgrades. It returns an error 'no package found' .
----- Original Message -----
From: dylan
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 9:37 AM
Subject: [cobalt-security] root passwd and admin passwd

We are expereincing the same problem with one of our raQs ( a raQ2 ) and cannot su to root. All admin functions through the GUI are working fine and I have tried changing the password through the admin area as well as using the old paper clip (ala macintosh *cof*) trick to reset the passwords which were promptly added again through the GUI as per the cobalt documentation.
This didnt work. The admin passwd will change to whatever we want, but try as I might, I can't su. I might have init'ed to single user mode or booted to single user mode normally, but the cobalts aren't well... normal.
Surely physical access to the machine should allow you to recover the root passwd. The paperclip simply doesnt work, so what could it be??  
Dylan O'Donnell