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RE: [cobalt-security] kernel corrupted!

Yes, Cobalt's phone tech support sucks. Unless it improves very soon, we
will be looking at other machines to purchase in the future. 

Has anyone seen any comments from Cobalt regarding if and when they plan on
improving support any time soon?

Wayne@xxxxxxx <mailto:Wayne@xxxxxxx> 

-----Original Message-----
From:	Hung Huynh [SMTP:hung@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent:	Monday, June 26, 2000 4:15 PM
To:	cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:	[cobalt-security] kernel corrupted!

My RAQ3's kernel seems to be corrupted. I contacted tech support and
they didn't provide much help. I tried to call back many times but
couldn't get through. I kept on getting the machine.

Is there any way to restore the kernel to its original settings? The
machine is still running. However, all cobalt's perl modules for the web
couldn't be referenced. As a result of this, I can't access online
administrative functions via the web browser because I disabled loading
of these modules. Otherwises, the httpd wouldn't start up.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I purchased restored CD as one of
the tech guy suggested. But I don't want to lose all the data and
settings in the current RAQ3.


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