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[cobalt-security] .htaccess on RaQ4's

Hello guys and guyettes.

The one RaQ4 we've got into production at this state had a very
unfortunate default setting in the access.conf file in /etc/httpd/conf.

/home/sites had a default of 'AllowOverride None', so no .htaccess or any
other restrictiveness would ever work... I have not yet verified this on
other RaQ4's but intend to soon. If this is really the default setting,
can someone please give a reason for this?

Also, I've had problems with PHP4 support until I changed the MIME type
from application/x-httpd-php4 to application/x-httpd-php, which I believe
is the standard anyway? Either no action has been associated with that
MIME type or it was a typo?

The precompiled version of PHP4 on the RaQ4 also seems to expect MySQL's
socket file in /tmp/mysql.sock and not /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock, which is
where MySQL RPMS place it... A symlink works, but is somewhat kludgy...

I'd like to hear anyone elses experiances with RaQ4's on the above or any
other points and spark som discussion as to what settings are preferable.


/Martin Moeller, Liga ApS, Denmark.