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Re: Re: [cobalt-security] Telnet timeout after login

All Services running but not dns. Tryed that already =(
Tryed also change some in dns over gui and save in hope
that will rewrite the named.conf file. failed =(

Wrote also a mail to my local isp to fix this using serial
connection, but since 5 hours i got no response =( its sunday.

in fact: ~200 domains are down since over 7h. So im looking
for other solutions - waiting is terrible in that situation.

im trying now using the httpd on port 81 with cgi
to rename named.disabled as named.conf cause that one
is running unter root. The DNS cant start cause
there is no named.conf. Think a cobalt cgi from the gui
died before ended or something like that. The named.conf
is named as named.disabled. But in etc i cant upload as
admin and i cant login as root - of cause - over ftp.

Is there no way to connect that server over telnet without have to use
a dns ? cant belive that.

cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx schrieb am 18.09.00:
> Sven Grube wrote:
> > I know that this is while the system cant do a reverse lookup for
> > my ip. Found also over ftp the problem from my named. named.conf does
> > not exist, instead there is a named.disabled. Think the cobalt cgi from
> > the gui is renaming this file temp. and died before proceed to the end.
> > 
> > Cant rename or upload named.conf cause dont have permission.
> > 
> > Do anyone of you knows a way how i can get a shell without timing out
> > now ?
> Can you log into your RaQ through your browser using it's primary IP#? 
> If so, can you turn off (if it's currently on) your dns service?  Can
> you then turn it back on?  Can you then reboot the server from your
> browser?
> If you can, this should restart DNS.
> If not, you may need someone local to the RaQ to have a look at it.
> Jeff
> -- 
> Jeff Lasman <jblists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> nobaloney.net
> P. O. Box 52672
> Riverside, CA  92517
> voice: (909) 787-8589  *  fax: (909) 782-0205
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