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Re: [cobalt-security] Secure way to backup MIPS machines with SMB

Hi Pratik,

on 13/10/00 12:09 AM, purple benz e420 at purplebenze420@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> i caught that rather than trying to implement the "built-in" cobalt (raq3i?)
> backup service, it is "easier" to implement using winnt?

Actually I think the original post was wrt a Qube2 which is running Samba.
In this configuration I believe it is easier to use a Windows based backup
product to suck data from the Samba shares rather that get the Qube to write
backup files to an SMB share on the NT machine.  A product like Retrospect
is much easier to use and far more flexible.

> how do i go about this? my nt is better that my linux...

In the case of a RaQ3 which is likely to be very visible on the net, then
installing Samba may not be such a good idea due to security concerns.

However Dantz are working on a Linux client which you might like to try
(currently in beta).  They are doing an x86 version first so its applicable
for a RaQ3 where as us with MIPS will have to wait a bit longer.  With the
client installed on the Cobalt server, Retrospect for Windows will be able
to perform backups and restores without the reducing server security.




The contact for the beta program is;

    Paul Mackinney
    Dantz Development Corporation

Cheers,  Malcolm

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                       Information Alchemy Pty Ltd
                             ACN 089 239 305
                           Canberra, Australia

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Managing Director                              Email:  mmcleary@xxxxxxx

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