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Re: [cobalt-security] [RaQ3i] interesting hack symptoms

On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, Theodore Jones wrote:

> David,
> Thanks for the confirm.  I think I'll assume it's probably a false report on
> the bindshell backdoor due to some special cobalt configuration, unless anyone
> can offer up suggestions how to debug a bindshell trojan.  With today's species
> of Loadable Kernal Module exploits, this would probably be the least of my
> worries if I were truely compromised.

Do you have notes of the md5sums of any of your system files?

I'd strongly recommend downloading and installing the Cobalt RPMS for
'shadow' and the netutils.  This will restore things like login and

Don't trust anything on your system now, as it might be comprised to hide
stuff :(