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[cobalt-security] [RaQ3i] interesting hack symptoms


> > Thanks for the confirm.  I think I'll assume it's probably a false report on
> > the bindshell backdoor due to some special cobalt configuration, unless anyone
> > can offer up suggestions how to debug a bindshell trojan.  With today's species
> > of Loadable Kernal Module exploits, this would probably be the least of my
> > worries if I were truely compromised.
> Do you have notes of the md5sums of any of your system files?

        No.  Although in my readings on all of this security stuff recently I did run
into suggestions on doing that.  Unfortunately it's really important to do the MD5
checksums when it's nearly out of the box.  Right now I could do MD5 checksums, but
if I'm allready compromised, this would do little good I'm pretty sure...  good
thinking however.

> I'd strongly recommend downloading and installing the Cobalt RPMS for
> 'shadow' and the netutils.  This will restore things like login and
> netstat.

For "shadow", as in shadowed passwords and such?  Do you have a link for this by

> Don't trust anything on your system now, as it might be comprised to hide
> stuff :(

Yup, I think I may have lept to conclusions, but it's best to be paranoid when the
system just crashes of a sudden and some files changed ownership...

Thanks for the input!,

~ Theo