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Re: [cobalt-security] [Raq3i] securely using rpc.statd and otherrpc services

lynx http://netfilter.filewatcher.org/ipchains/ipchains-1.3.10.tar.gz
tar zxvf ipchains-1.3.10.tar.gz
cd ipchains-1.3.10
make install


At 14:20 4-11-00 -0800, you wrote:

Very cool suggestions.  ipchains is not too difficult or dissruptive to a
RaQ3i's customized setup?  Do you have to recompile the kernal or anything?

~ Theo

Gossi The Dog wrote:

> On Sat, 4 Nov 2000, Linking Internet - Peter Batenburg wrote:
> <snip>
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> > system("/sbin/ipchains -A input -p tcp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 111 -j REJECT");
> <snip>
> Rather depressingly, ipchains isn't defautly installed on RaQ's.  It can
> be downloaded by doing a search for ipchains on freshmeat.net.
> I can't really see any reason for running rpc.statd on a RaQ either, so I
> would recommend just killing it off if you find it.  statd is a common
> cause of breakins to linux boxes, because of exploits like statdx.c and
> the various ones for solaris.
> As an aside, something I've done with my RaQ in the last few days is used
> ipchains to block all outgoing and incoming network connections, and then
> enabled only the stuff I need.
> That being outgoing port 80, 21 and udp to port 53 (for dns), and incoming
> port 80, 21, mysql, pop3 and smtp.  All icmp and igmp is blocked.  Makes
> it a lot harder for users (or abusers) to mess around.
> Gossi

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