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Re: [cobalt-security] [Raq3i] securely using rpc.statd and otherrpcservices


Nice, you >are< a slick puppy!... That's a cool idea with the crontab flush.

~ T

Gossi The Dog wrote:

> On Sat, 4 Nov 2000, Theodore Jones wrote:
> > Gossi,
> >
> > Very cool suggestions.  ipchains is not too difficult or dissruptive to a
> > RaQ3i's customized setup?  Do you have to recompile the kernal or anything?
> Theo,
> No need to recompile the kernel or mess around with anything.  Its a case
> of grabbing the source, doing ./configure; make; make install (it just
> places a single binary in /sbin).  I'm thinking of making a few .pkg files
> for things like ipchains, as I'm sure people might like them.
> The only thing to be careful of are ipchain rules - for example, I
> recently messed up a rule on owned.lab6.com, and firewalled the whole
> internet out.  I had to wait over the weekend for somebody at the isp to
> reboot the box :(
> Nowadays I just have a crontab job to flush the rules out while I'm
> testing stuff, so if I do make a similar mistake, I just have to wait for
> the crontab job to kick in..
> Gos.